Communicable Disease Plan
This Communicable Disease Plan has been prepared to inform you of
Reformotiv Physio + Pilates practices based on guidelines provided by:
BC Provincial Health Authority | WorkSafeBC | BC Centre for Disease Control | The College of Physiotherapists of BC | The College of Massage Therapists of BC
We ask that everyone comply with the infection control procedures while at the clinic for the health and safety of others as well as themselves. As a healthcare clinic, we work in close proximity to our clients and we treat some immunocompromised clientele. It is with this in mind, that we have continued to keep the following policies and procedures in place. Thank you for respecting our business and the clients and staff that trust us with their care.
Disclaimer: This Communicable Disease Plan has been updated with interim guidance for the prevention and control of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases. It is based on the latest available best practice and scientific evidence. The guidance may change as new information becomes available.
Physical Distancing Measures
- The intercom system will be used to access entry into the clinic throughout the entirety of our operating hours. Only those with a scheduled appointment will be able to access entry to the clinic (or delivery personnel).
- A contactless payment terminal is available for payment at the front desk; clients will be encouraged to keep a credit card on file for ease of payment and receipts will be delivered via email whenever possible.
- Our Physiotherapists can also offer our excellent care via a Telehealth/Online appointment to minimize risk and exposure.
Health Screening
- If anyone exhibits any signs or symptoms of a respiratory infection including but not limited to fever, cough, or any symptoms of COVID-19; or have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19 in the past 14 days, we ask that they reschedule their appointment. Call 8-1-1 and consult a Medical Practitioner.
- Should a client feel ill and need to reschedule their appointment, we will not charge them for their missed appointment. Physio appointments may be able to continue via our Telehealth/Online appointments service as appropriate.
PPE and Hygiene
- Medical masks are optional for clients and therapists. A point of care assessment will be done between each client and therapist to determine if masks are needed/wanted for their session.
- Additional PPE (including gloves and eye protection) may be worn at the discretion of the client and therapist.
- Upon entry to the clinic, everyone must use our supplied hand sanitizer at the front desk.
- Everyone must follow the BC-CDC hand-washing guidelines.
Updated Cleaning Procedures
- Regular disinfecting of high-touch areas throughout the clinic is completed at least 2x/day.
- Treatment rooms and gym equipment are fully cleaned and disinfected between each client.
- Health Canada approved cleaning products are being used to disinfect and sanitize the clinic.