
Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture in Vancouver

Relieve Pain, Reduce Stress, and Restore Balance

At Reformotiv Physio + Pilates in Vancouver, our team is experienced in treating and caring for patients suffering from a wide range of conditions

1-on-1 Personalized Care
Integrative Approach
Beautiful & Convient Location

Our Approach to Acupuncture & TCM

Your acupuncture journey at Reformotiv begins with an in-depth consultation. Our skilled acupuncturists will assess your health history, current symptoms, and wellness goals. During the treatment, you’ll relax in a comfortable, serene environment while the needles are gently inserted. Most clients find the experience soothing and often feel a sense of deep relaxation.

Benefits of Acupuncture


Highly Experienced Team

Our team of skilled therapists is committed to providing you with personalized treatments, focusing on reducing pain and improving mobility.

Personalized Treatment Plans

You are unique and so are your physiotherapy needs. We'll create a custom treatment plan that's personalized to your injury, needs, and goals.

Convenient Location & Flexible Booking

We offer a beautiful and convenient clinic location in Vancouver BC, as well as a variety of booking options and times to fit your schedule.

Meet Our Acupunctuist

Learn more about the amazing team behind Reformotiv

Tues and Thurs 2-7pm
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Ivory Mou

TCMP, Acupuncturist